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Why Cloud-Based Business Solution Software Is Good For Your Business

If you want your business to work smarter and faster, cloud-based business solution software is a wise investment.

Working in the cloud will give you a better overview of your finances, and improve collaboration with your team.

Business Solution Software Shouldn’t Be A Chore To Use

A traditional in-house business solution software deploy can be tedious, which can take many company resources and time-consuming in managing your business. In contrast, cloud-based business solution software can save your company time and increase your business operation efficiency.

Problems With Traditional Business Solution Software (In-House Software Deploy)

  • A higher risk of database crashed due to host server hardware failure or power failure.

  • The database might face the risk of a natural disaster or fire event.

  • Insufficient hardware resources to keep the daily growing data volume on the database.

  • Costly to hire a Database Administrator (DBA) to monitor the database.

So What Is This Thing Called The Cloud?

Think about when you use internet banking services. Every time you access the internet banking website to access data and making payment transfer, you’re using the cloud. The cloud is a platform to make data and software accessible online anytime, anywhere, from any electronic devices (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile Phone) with internet connection.



Why The Cloud And Business Solution Software Are The Perfect Match

The cloud-based business software solutions provide you and accountants the ease of conveniences to access and stay connected with the software, you can always have a clear overview of your current financial position in real-time. Furthermore, there’s no need to install and run application over a desktop computer, instead you software and database are installed and stored on cloud. In addition, your important database is being protected by world-class cloud security.

Cloud Security Is World Class

Storing your important data safely on world-class security cloud and worry-free from database lose by physical electronic devices being stolen. Your database will be kept safely on the cloud and user login protection from unauthorized access. In addition to this, if you invite users to view your data, you can control the level of access too.

In the event of a natural disaster or fire, being in the cloud means business productivity doesn’t need to be affected because there’s no downtime. All of your information is safely and securely stored off-site. As long as you have access to any computer or mobile device connected to the internet, you’re back up and running.

Cloud-based software companies ensure that the security and privacy of data about you and your organization are always airtight. If you use internet banking services, then you’re already primed to use cloud-based business solution software.



Cloud-based Business Solutions Software Benefits Your Business

  • You have a clear overview of your current financial position in real-time.

  • Support concurrent user login and ideal for multiple branches company

  • The database is kept safely on cloud and staying away from stealing and threat of natural disaster

  • Database backed up automatically on schedule

  • Upfront business costs are reduced – maintenance, system administration costs and server failures are no longer issues

  • Database technical support is available to assist you

Work Smarter With Accessible Data In The Cloud

Start deploying your business solution software onto the cloud today and managing your business from any time, anywhere with any portable electronic devices. You can be confident that you have an up-to-date picture of how your business is doing, no matter where you are.

Changing your tradition business solution software to the cloud-based business solution software can be done so easily. The latest version of business solution software is pre-installed onto the cloud, all we need do is just to move your existing database to the cloud, which is just that simple and fast. All the database transfer process and cloud maintenance will be monitored by our Database Administrative Experts.

With cloud Business Solution Software, you have the option to run your business remotely, from anywhere in the world. And when data is fluid and accessible, the possibilities are endless.

MySoft ERP is an easy-to-use Business Solution Software which it can be deploy on premise or cloud

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